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You should KNow

  • Microblading is a semi-permanent technique. Your skin may or may not accept the pigment and or strokes.

  • No two sides of the face are totally symmetrical, this includes your eyebrows. Every effort is made to make your eyebrows as symmetrical to your facial features as possible, but PERFECT symmetry shouldn't be expected. 

  • Several touch up appointments may be necessary for your desired look to be achieved. We are dealing with the superficial layers of the skin, which are constantly trying to turnover. Your results may vary and this should be considered before scheduling your appointment. 

  • You may arrive to your appointment with your eyebrows penciled in as you like them (optional). I will take into account the shape you like, but will also share my input and suggestion according to your natural shape and features.  We will work together to reach the desired shape.

  • During the first 2 weeks of healing, your strokes may appear to completely fade. This is normal and part of the healing journey. Typically by week 3 the strokes re-emerge

  • If you have an existing Eyebrow Tattoo performed by a permanent makeup artist, I will not consider you as a client unless it is 90% faded. I would need to see your eyebrows in person to determine this, or via pictures emailed. 

  • Because the purpose of this technique is meant to give you a natural look, it will not look good over an older, ill-shaped darker tattoo. It would be best to have that old tattoo removed before attempting Hair Strokes. In some cases I can correct the old tattoo. Please contact me if this is your situation. 

  • I will shape and clean up your brows, so if you do not have a regular brow girl, I include this in my service. If you do have someone you see for brow clean up please wait at least 10 days after your procedure (or until you are done exfoliating) before having your eyebrows waxed or threaded.

  • It is highly suggested that you have no SUN or TANNING BED exposure for 30 days PRIOR to or AFTER your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from sunburn, it will take the pigment with it. Also, pigment will heal darker on skin that is tanned.

  • Please make make an effort not to sweat the day of your procedure or for 10 days after. Sweat contains salt, which will prematurely fade the pigment in the skin. You need to consider this if you lead a very active lifestyle.

  • Do not take anything that will thin your blood such as aspirin, niacin, Vitamin E, Fish oil supplements or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary 72 hours prior to procedure. Tylenol is acceptable.

  • If you have been on the prescription ACCUTANE, you must be off of it for ONE YEAR prior to your procedure. No exceptions!

  • No alcohol or caffeine the night before and on the day of your procedure.

  • Having the procedure during your menstrual cycle may make you more sensitive to discomfort during your procedure.

  • Swimming in the Ocean or Chlorinated water may contribute to premature fading or change of pigment color. It is a good idea to always put a thin layer of Aquaphor over the area when swimming after healed.

  • Only touch the area with very clean hands and always use a clean flock want to apply your aftercare cream. This is a must to avoid infection.


  • Your eyebrows will appear BOLDER immediately after the procedure. This applies in every procedure. Hair strokes appear crisp and bold until the top layer of pigment begins to exfoliate off around day four.

  • It is common for some areas to fade more than others. This will be addressed at your touch up appointment.

  • The pigment color may fade 10–60% before your first touch up appointment.

  • Your follow-up procedure should be performed between 4-6 weeks. Most every client will need the 6 week follow-up. 

  • If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Graves disease, or have Thryroid issues PLEASE be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure, and may affect your final healed results.

  • If you are a smoker, your pigment will fade faster and the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long.

  • If you arrive for your procedure with any abrasion, blemish, skin irritation, bruising, scabbing, skin rash or mole in the area that is to be tattooed, I will not do the procedure. No exceptions. You will lose your deposit and require another deposit to re-book another appointment.

  • This procedure will NOT be performed if you are pregnant or nursing.

  • Bleaching or tinting the eyebrow hairs with tints containing peroxide will affect your tattoo and is not recommended.

  • If you have oily skin, the hair stroke eyebrow technique may not work well for you. The constant production of oil will cause the hair strokes to heal with a diffused, softer look. Your end result will look more powdered than hair stroke. Every client is different, but we can discuss your personal situation. 

  • The use of prescription Retin A, Retinols, Glycolic acids (or any type of acids meant to resurface your skin), lightening products such as Hydroquinone, Chemical Peels or Photo Facials (IPL’S) will all contribute to premature fading of your pigment.

  • Your Hair Stroke permanent makeup will eventually look more powdered. This happens with all procedures. Skin ages and will change the look of all permanent makeup. To keep your hair strokes looking good, a color boost touch up appointment will be needed every 1 to 2 years. Everyone will be a little different.


Important Note- I must know if you are under the care of a Doctor for any medical condition. I must also know of any prescription medications you are on. If this pertains to you, please email me through the link on this website. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me

Please read before making your appointment,

as not everyone is a good candidate for this service. 

Richmond Microblading, Eyebrows Virginia
Microblading va beach.jpg

Quick Things to Know:

1. Your appointment will take up to 2 hours. 

2. Results vary greatly from client to client. 

3. Please do not expect your results to look like a friends, a co workers, or anyone's. You are unique, your results are unique, and if you're expecting your results to look identical to someone else's, I'm not the artist for you. 

4. During the first 4 weeks of your initial appointment your brows will go through MANY changes, this is NORMAL! 

5. Most of my clients carry on about their day right after leaving the salon. Downtime is very minimal. 

6. I've been providing Microblading since 2015, and have served over 2500 sets of brows!

7. Your Touchup Session in 4-8 weeks is separate from your first session. 

best microbladig va beach, virginia beach, brow artist

© 2023 by The Lash CEO | 757-263-4649 | 3497 Holland Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452

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